PERN: another investment increasing Poland's energy security
PERN has concluded a tender for the construction of six fuel tanks at the depots in Boronów, Rejowiec, Emilianów and Małaszewicze. It is an element of the 2nd stage of expansion of the capacity for the Company's oil products. Thanks to the investments, the capacity of PERN's storage bases will increase by 126 thousand. m³. The expansion is in line with the key assumptions of PERN's strategy until 2022.
Tanks in Boronów and Rejowiec will be built by consortium of Mostostal Płock and Mostostal Warszawa, and in Emilianów and Małaszewicze by Naftoremont - Naftobudowa.
Let us recall that at this stage, the construction of a tank with a capacity of 32 thousand cubic meters is already underway. m³ in Koluszki. At the same time, the procedure of selecting a contractor for the construction of two tanks and accompanying infrastructure at the fuel base in Dębogórze has already started. Each tank is to have a capacity of 32 thousand. m³. The second stage of capacity expansion will increase the capacity of PERN's fuel depots by a total of 222 thousand. m³, ie by about 12 percent.
The fuel market in Poland has changed significantly since 2016. A number of regulations were introduced that radically put an end to illegal fuel trade, leaving billions of zlotys in our country's budget. As a result, it becomes necessary to invest in new capacities that are to serve the legal trade in fuels, but also improve our energy security.
-Piotr Naimski, Government Plenipotentiary for strategic energy infrastructure
The expansion of fuel capacity is one of PERN's Mega-investments, which result from the Policy of the Polish government for logistics infrastructure in the oil sector adopted by the Council of Ministers and are reflected in the Company's strategy until 2022. Next to them, PERN is expanding raw material tanks - by a total of about 600 thousand. m³ capacity for crude oil at the Oil Base and Terminal in Gdańsk - and the pipeline system:
At the end of 2021, we also plan to put into service the fuel pipeline from Boronowo to Trzebinia, which will improve the availability of fuels for the Silesian Agglomeration. At the end of 2023, we want to build the second line of the Pomeranian pipeline. All these investments will radically increase Poland's energy security.
-Igor Wasilewski, president of PERN